

Yes, okay I know that I havent been on here for awhile. Tonight just made me think I have a blogger site :-) I can say welcome back to myself! I guess I fell like I end up never doing the right! I just seem I can't do anything right! I am a mistake to the world! If, I never was born this world wouldnt have to deal with my bullshit! :( I have been missing my true friend and that myself :( I want myself back! I'll never find her because she is lost in the stress and fuck up world! Like i was told from somebody 95% of my problems is brought on from me. I guess it just not meant for me to be known about! So if you read this just read it and dont comment cuz I don't feel like i have nothing for this world. I guess I really truely wonder about things! I guess I better start putting up my wall again. And I didn't want to and that is why it is tearing me apart. :( I one time had enough love for myself but it seems that everytime I get depressed I get worse and worse depressed. I guess no one really know what is going on with me. I havent even opened up to my best friend because it just there is nothing there anymore. I fell I am losing all my friend right before my eyes. Well I know that the only friend I need is God!

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the FRIEND OF GOD.(James 2:23)

Hope you all enjoyed my sad story :(