
Damon Jones

I look up to the sky and say thank you GOD for giving me the strength to see another day. I know I look up and thank GOD for putting someone like you in my life. I know there are times I can be mean but I surely don't mean to. I think the reason why I have been mean lately is because I don't know how to act   around someone like you.You have made me open my eyes and you showed me never settle for less. I feel lost for words sometime when we are around each other. I know that we can have great things once I find me a job. i just don't understand why I am so tired. I hope this being tired comes to a quick end. Every time I sit at the house alone in the morning when I am awake I tend to get very emotional because I am like why did he chose someone like me. Sometimes i feel like your to good for someone like me. As i ask myself why did you want me to be your girl. I can't believe that it been almost 2 months since the day I had left Minnesota. 

I just want to say is THANK YOU for discovering an Erin that was buried & plus an Erin I didn't think was in me. I love you and your truly my prefect man.  I had walls put up but some reason being here in North Carolina has broke them down. I tell my family and the few friends that I just needed to move away from everyone. 

I love you damon jones for many reasons 
Bowling 6-21-13 



June 12,2013 
      Today it marks 4 months since my Grandmother Turnmire went to be with Jesus. I know that she is looking down on everyone that was in her life. I can't put into words how I am feeling today. I know I wish I could pick up the phone and give her a ring and tell her the exciting changes that have been going on in my life. I know she is seeing them and smiling. A lot has changed for me. 
        Today I have been doing a lot of thinking and I can't say this enough that I feel I have made one of the greatest discussions in my life. Well not everyone knows I had went to take a journey to North Carolina last month to see how it would be down there. I can't even find the correct words to say right now. I had found an Erin that no one has seen probably since I was maybe 5 years old. I am more motivated to accomplish great things in my life. I had went down there and in the mean time I had formed great friendships with some great people. I had found me a boyfriend that will love and care me for me and not wanting me to change.  I have to say it was a struggle for Damon and I to dig an Erin that was buried. I never thought I would be able to have the Erin I had when I was a child. I look up to the sky and say to myself  Thank you GOD for giving me the strength to dig out ERIN!!  I know my Grandma Turnmire and my Aunt Joan is pleased with the change as they are looking down on me from heaven. 
      The reason for this is that I felt like I needed to right something up. I just hope that my family and friends are loving the new ERIN because, the old ERIN is down the drain. I am going to continue to have the NEW ERIN on full blast because the ERIN that was around for more than 16 years is officially gone. I set out to take the full journey on June 14,2013. I know I started living the journey in May.  I want to thank the family and friends that know that I am only doing this because I want to be able to start living a positive and happier life. 
Personal Thank You's to my family 
Dad & Bill-I want to thank you for everything you showed me throughout the years and I know that I have let you down at times but you never stop believing in me. Bill, you know we have had are fights, plus you are the best step dad in the world. I glad that we can have a relationship like no other. I want you to know this I love you!! Oh yeah thanks for being there for me no matter what. 
Mom- I want to thank you for everything that you taught me and also dealing with me when I wasn't the ERIN that I was has a child. 
Amy & Jeremy & Emma & Sid- Thanks for being there for me no matter what type of fights we have and plus I can't forget my amazing brother-in-law that has been there for me as well. Emma and Sid, you both hold a special spot in my heart and Little E I love you and I am going to miss you. Mr. Sid, I am sorry that I couldn't come and see you but I am sure I will see the photos of you growing and hopefully the holiday season I will be able to come and see you. I love you. 
Ryan, I want to thank you so much for being there for me. I can't believe our relationship has changed over the years of growing up. I know that you are my brother no matter how mad we are at each other. I just want you to that I love you for everything you have done and you will always be my MEDIC!!
Alan aka Idaho, Oh boy where to begin but I shouldn't say much but I know that you are currently overseas fighting for my freedom. I know that you are an amazing brother and I can't express how much I miss you and plus how much I am thankful that are relationship is beginning to get back where it was at one point. I love you! 

My last Thank you!!

Damon, I want to say thank you so much for everything. I am so lost for words on days like today. I just want to say this man has truly been an inspiration to me and help me dig out the ERIN that has not been seen since for over 16 years. I can't believe how much happiness is in my life and this current time and I guess he help me discover that North Carolina is my new home.  He has help me gain motivation an has help form a positive attitude out of me.  Damon, I love you and thank you for everything you have done and thanks for helping me find the ERIN that I never thought was still in ME. 

A quote I have came up with " Motivation forms Determination to accomplish your goals in your life" 
